LED Light Colors, Does They Mean and Where To Use Them

Choosing the correct LED light colors for your application has always been difficult. This is one of the most important factors when choosing a lighting fixture, so knowing the LED light colors available, what they mean, and where to use them can be a big advantage.

We use LEDs everywhere (homes, offices, shopping malls, cars, movie theatres, and aero planes). Since we spend a lot of time with LED lighting, choosing the right color is very important. In this guide, let’s take a look at some popular LED light colors and when to choose them.

More About LED Light Colors

To help us choose the correct light colors, they invented a measurement system called the Kelvin scale. Have heard the difference between 3000K vs 4000K? Those Kelvin numbers, or color temperature, from 1,000 Kelvin to 10,000 Kelvin. The lower the number, the redder or warmer the light. The higher the number, the bluer or cooler the light.

LED light colors kelvin scale

There is a meaning behind every light color. Some are used for lighting, while others are used to improve mood. So the led light colors of each color is very important. So how do we paint a room with the light of a specific color and mood? Or to express your mood.

There is a meaning behind every light color. Some are used for lighting, while others are used to improve mood. So, the led light colors of each color is very important. So how do we paint a room with the light of a specific color and mood? And better express our emotions and hearts.

White LED Light Colors

When we check the Kelvin scale as a guide: warm white light onset, we can very intuitively see the progression from warm light to cool white light, and even blue tones, which are:

In previous articles, we saw a comparison of 3000K vs 4000K and 2700K vs 3000k color temperature.

  • Warm White – 2700K to 3000K
  • Soft White/Warm White – 3000K to 3500K
  • Cool White – 4000K to 5000K
  • Daylight – 5500K to 6500K
  • More than 6500K is blue tone.

Warm White usually gives an intimate and romantic feeling. Hence, this type of lighting is best-suitable for bedrooms and restaurants.

Neutral and Cool White Lights start to show some blue in them. Hence, we use them in offices, retail spaces, kitchens, living rooms etc. to keep us alert, focused and productive.

RGB LED Light Color

LED light colors RGB LED Light Color

RGB LED lights are the most common and popular RGB LED lights at present. The primary colors of RGB (red, green, blue) are used to build the other colors within the diode itself. RGB LED light colors offer 16 million color variations.

There are two types of RGB led strip lights: the new RGBW LED strip, which adds white color to RGB. The other is the RGBIC LED strip, which can produce multiple colors from the same strip at the same time.

What Do the Different Lighting Colors Represent?

Different light colors have specific representative words. Therefore, the color of the light will trigger a person’s specific emotional response. For example, warm white brings a warm, calming feeling. And cool white or daylight feels a bit colder and can keep you awake and focused.

LED light colors RGB LED Light Colors Moods

White LED Light Colors Moods

  • Soft White Light Color: Comfortable, Smooth, Warmth
  • Nature White Light Color: Clean, Vibrant, Fresh
  • Daylight Light Color: Alertness, Focus, Neat

RGB LED Light Colors Moods

  • Red LED Light Color: Power, Enthusiasm, Liveliness, Passion, Excitement, Unrestrained
  • Green LED Light Color: Freshness, Growth, Calmness, Comfortable, Healing, Natural
  • Blue LED Light Color: Peace, Calm, Beautiful, Harmony, Integrity, Dependable
  • Yellow LED Light Color: Warm, Warmth, Friendly, Happy, Bright, Joy, Energy
  • Orange LED Light Color: Confidence, Happiness, Strength, Cheerful, Health, Cheerful
  • Purple LED Light Color: Luxury, Noble, Deep, Success, Romantic, Courage, Creative, Mature

Where To Use These LED Light Colors?

Most people want bedrooms to be cozy and warm and living rooms to be bright and relaxing, so how do you choose warm white, cool white and daylight LED light colors?

We think LED light colors work better in certain environments, but of course, we are just suggestions. But if you’re not sure which color temperature is right for your space, here are some uses for common lighting colors.

LED light colors Where To Use These LED Light Colors

Where To Use Soft And Warm White LED Light Color (2400K to 3500K)

Soft warm and warm white light is suitable for relaxing and waking up suddenly, because it is more like sunset or sunrise, shining on people, there is a feeling of being surrounded by warmth. Furthermore, the warm white light color gives a feeling of intimacy and calm. They are often used in bedroom lighting colors, home applications, or hotel areas to make us feel relaxed.

Where To Use Cool White LED Light Color (3500K to 5000K)

Cool white light is also the most widely used LED light color. It gives a clean and crisp feel. 4000K to 5000K colors are suitable for applications in kitchen lighting, bathrooms, and some office and retail spaces.

Where To Use Daylight LED Light Color (5500K to 6500K)

The daylight LED light colors also have their specific place, because the white light is cooler and even a bit off-color. Mainly used in offices, showcases, medical rooms, and industrial or commercial areas. 5500K to 6500K are used for lighting whose primary purpose is to induce alertness and concentration.

Where to Use RGB LED Light Colors?

RGB light is popular because of its colorfulness, it is mainly used for signage, restaurants/bars, outdoor areas, and so on. Using RGB LED lights is an easy and affordable way to do this.


Your color you decide!

We all have our own preferences in led light colors, you can choose according to your mood. We all have our preferences when it comes to lighting color temperature. Getting the right LED light colors is very important as it affects us in an emotional way. A good lantern will bring you a good mood.


Which is the best LED light color?

Most people like to use warm white to relax, but some people also complain that yellow light is too dark. They choose the color of light according to their preferences.

What LED color is best for sleeping?

Red LED. The best night light colors for sleep are red and amber, as they are warm and soothing colors that promote a good night’s sleep.

What color of light is relaxing?

Blue, because blue is the color of healing, it speeds up the relaxation process after stress.

What color of light makes you feel happy?

That is of course bright colors like brights, yellows, reds will lift your mood.

What color represents negativity?

Some people think it is red, and they are more inclined to associate red with negative and dangerous emotions. Some people think it is blue because blue looks sad and melancholy.

What color heals the mood the most?

I think it is green, green represents vitality and freshness. Furthermore, the green light helps to open our hearts.